
5 things I love about my new hair and 5 things I miss about my old hair

New hair
1.) It's short and carries less weight.
2.) I can spike it up.
3.) I don't have to do much to it if I don't want to.
4.) It uses less shampoo and conditioner
5.) It's new

Old hair
1.) Waving my hair in the wind.
2.) Headbanging (not really)
3.) Running my fingers through my hair.
4.) Using lots of conditioner so I could get new stuff all the time
5.) haning upsidedown


5 songs I like to listen to loudly...

These are songs I like to listen to very loud. I don't really listen to loud music cause it hurts my ears. There are some song I like so much that it doesn't matter... so here it goes...

1.) Paralyzer - Finger 11
2.) Bodies - Drowning Pool
3.) I Kissed a Girl - Katy Perry
4.) That's All - Genesis
5.) Slim Shady LP - Eminem


5 games I've been addicted to recently both online and off

I mean addicted in the most not bad way that you can lol.

1.) Maphia wars on facebook... just omg I love that game.
2.) Drag racer V3 on addicting games - wow how ironic
3.) Bioshock - so scary, so true to life, so awesome. I just love the gameplay, the story, the graphicscape, the soundscape, the voiceovers, just everything about that game makes me happy
4.) Call of duty 4 - I just love playing that game online. Call me american if you like but I love it!
5.) Notpron - Just recently got back into it. it's driving me nuts all day long. deathball.net/notpron


10 words starting with the letters la


1.) Large
2.) Lame
3.) Lamenting
4.) Lars (like the name)
5.) Lamentations
6.) Lasting
7.) ladle
8.) lala
9.) lay
10.) LAYS potato chips!!!!